Holland Thomas were pleased to be able to present again at the LASA National Congress in 2015.
During the session Psychological Injuries: heal the cracks early in your greatest asset we discussed:
- The increasing awareness amongst the Australian workforce of psychological injuries
- The implications of those psychological injuries for staff, clients, policies and procedures, and the organisation
- Strategies to mitigate the risk for all stakeholders
Nothing makes an organisation succeed or fail quicker than its people. As a sector, are we investing in all that our staff need? In Victoria alone there are 58 compensation claims for psychological injuries being approved every week. The average individual compensation payout for psychological injuries is around $90,000.
Psychological injuries can result from an incident involving aggression and/or violence even if no physical harm has been sustained by the staff member. Given the widespread nature of under reporting of incidents at the minor end of the spectrum (i.e. no one is physically injured), our appreciation of the number of staff who are exposed to psychological injuries may be just the tip of the iceberg.
Insights were offered as to why organisations should continue to improve the support they offer their staff, the effectiveness of training, and the importance of empowering staff to make better decisions about their safety and the wellbeing of those they support.
Should you wish to discuss strategies to manage aggressive behaviours affecting you or your team, please feel welcome to contact Holland Thomas & Associates.
Travis Holland
Managing Director
Holland Thomas & Associates