Security Risk Management


The world in which you oper­ate is becoming ever more com­plex. As polit­i­cal, nat­ural dis­as­ter and secu­rity inci­dents con­tinue to affect the work­ing envi­ron­ment of many com­pa­nies, per­son­nel are increas­ingly exposed to harm from phys­i­cal vio­lence, crime, ter­ror­ism, war and nat­ural disaster.

Hol­land Thomas offers an indus­try lead­ing range of grad­u­ated Secu­rity Risk Management services:

  • Secu­rity Risk Management
  • Secu­rity Risk Assessments
  • Strate­gic Secu­rity Plans
  • Secu­rity Audits and Reviews
  • Inci­dent Analysis
  • Inci­dent Management
  • Inci­dent Registers
  • Travel Risk Management
  • Per­sonal Secu­rity Aware­ness Workshops
  • Secu­rity Advisers
  • Close Per­sonal Pro­tec­tion (Body­guard) Services
  • Exec­u­tive Pro­tec­tion Services

These ser­vices have been built on best prac­tice prin­ci­ples and guide­lines devel­oped by for­mer mem­bers of the Aus­tralian Spe­cial Air Ser­vice Reg­i­ment (SAS) and the pri­vate secu­rity indus­try oper­at­ing across the globe.

We pride our­selves on pro­vid­ing best prac­tice spe­cial­ist secu­rity risk advice, sup­port and train­ing for our clients to accel­er­ate oppor­tu­ni­ties and man­age the strate­gic and oper­a­tional risks and threats faced by their employ­ees, at home and abroad.

Hol­land Thomas can reduce your organisation’s expo­sure to these risks, dra­mat­i­cally decreas­ing the like­li­hood of such inci­dents and their impact on your business.

Contact Holland Thomas for information on our flexible security risk management solutions.

A safer tomorrow starts with action today

Holland Thomas Specialist Training and Consulting

T: 1800 18 83 45
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