Evaluation and Self Assessment Summaries
Holland Thomas understands that you want value for the training undertaken by your staff and we appreciate that you would like to get immediate feedback regarding the success of that training.
As part of our training solutions we provide you with detailed Evaluation and Self Assessment Summaries for each training session and a combined summary at the end of a series of workshops to make it easy for you to determine the value of the training for your staff and for your organisation.
Below are sample reports from one of the organisations we support that illustrates the typical feedback we receive. We look forward to providing equally significant results for your organisation.
Evaluation Summary
At the end of each training session we ask the participants to complete a brief evaluation form which assesses the Content, the Facilitator and their overall Satisfaction with the training. This will give you feedback as to how valuable your staff found the training. It will also allow us to continually improve our service to you by taking on board the feedback provided.
Self Assessment Summary
The purpose of the self-assessment summary is to get an immediate understanding of how the training has impacted a participant’s knowledge and confidence regarding their safety. We ask the participants to rate themselves prior to and after the training session. Their responses will assist you to determine the value of the training for your staff and for your organisation.
Contact Holland Thomas to discuss our flexible staff safety solutions.