M.A.B. Staff Safety Training for Utilities


Workers in the utilities industries are frequently required to work alone, and in many cases enter the property of others, and too often they are required to deal with aggressive behaviours. Given the nature of the roles performed, the physical and psychological risks will be ongoing. Holland Thomas shares a commitment to the physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing of workers in the utility industries. For staff, our enduring and sustainable solutions effectively manage the personal safety and security challenges presented by aggressive behaviours.

Our M.A.B. ™ Staff Safety Training (Contextualised Prevention and Management of Aggressive Behaviours) has been specifically created to help you and your staff man­age the safety chal­lenges of aggres­sion and vio­lence when work­ing on and off site.


Holland Thomas is a trusted training partner for (see more):

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150423 AusNet Logo
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We offer a progressive range of training solutions customised to each organisation and the roles their staff perform in order to reinforce individual learning and skill development over time.

Emphasising the importance of the safety of all concerned, M.A.B.™ Staff Safety Training may cover:

  • Personal safety leadership
  • Decision making
  • Resilience
  • Contingency planning
  • Hazard and safety awareness

  • Continuous risk assessment
  • Avoidance strategies
  • De-escalation
  • Protecting yourself
  • Self-care

Speak with our Client Solutions team to determine which components would suit you the best to help keep your staff safe.

A safer tomorrow starts with action today

Holland Thomas Specialist Training and Consulting
T: 1800 18 83 45
E: E: info@hollandthomas.com.au